Clone of Clone of Release 2020

We are planning to release young Bearded Vultures again in early summer 2020 in Central Switzerland. At the moment the Bearded Vultures are in the process of incubating the eggs. During February and March the young vultures will hatch. Only when they have survived the critical first phase of life can it be determined which young vultures can be released into the wild, when and where.

The release of young Bearded Vultures in Central Switzerland serves to improve the still very small genetic diversity in the Alpine population, so only young vultures that contribute to this diversity are eligible for release in Switzerland. 

Normally, release into the wild takes place between mid-May and mid-June. The exact date depends on the hatching date of the selected young vultures and can only be definitively determined in the course of spring. During spring we will report here and through our newsletter about the implementation and the date for release.